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Filter to return only one site on Multisite Search tab - Apachesolr_multisitesearch module

This module is dependent on the apachesolr_multisitesearch module.

Had an apache solr index that contained multiple site indexes. On various sites contained in this index we needed results from one and only one site contained in this index. Also, needed the to rename the default tab.

Create a small module that adds a new hash filter for multisitesearch.

First get the site's hash. To do this utilize drush:

  1. Go to directory (or use drush alias) for site you are wanting to show up.


Bullets in OpenOffice on the Mac

When I open an Open Office document that was saved as a Word document I noticed, instead of the nice bullet points I expected to see, I see this funny looking character that looks more like a box with a spider in it. If you've seen this same behavior here's a way to work around this annoying situation.

Use the Font Replacement Table, located in the -> Preferences ->Fonts:



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